
Steambow Archery AR-Series Carbon Broadhead Arrows - 3 Pack



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  • 6 In stock

Offer excellent flight characteristics and precision. These arrows have been developed especially for hunting applications and pest control.

The light BroadheadArrows are ideal for 35 to 90 lbs and have a carbon shaft, a CNC turned insert, a screwed stainless steel blade, and a high quality polymer nock. They have a flat trajectory and are especially ideal for pest control.

The heavy Broadhead Arrows (marked by an additional stainless steel ring) are designed for our limbs with higher draw weights (90 to 150 lbs). They have a high-quality aluminum nock and a hybrid carbon/aluminum shaft, meaning there is an aluminum core running inside the carbon shaft. This complex structure offers outstanding flight characteristics and makes the arrows extremely robust. At a weight of 238 grains, these arrows are considerably heavier and strike their target with high momentum. This momentum combined with the extremely sharp blade makes these arrows very effective and suitable for hunting small to medium-sized game.

  • Carbon shaft
  • Stainless steel tip, 0.83 in cutting width
  • Optimized for hunting and pest control
  • Carbon/Aluminum shaft and aluminum nock on heavy version

Product Specs

  • Light Broadhead Arrows

Weight: 161 grains
Length: 6.38 in (162mm)
Diam: 6.2mm (0.244 in)
Cutting Width: 0.83 in

  • Heavy Broadhead Arrows:

Weight: 238 grains
Length: 6.38 in (162mm)
Diam: 6.2mm (0.244 in)
Cutting Width: 0.83 in

What's Included

  • 3 Carbon Broadhead Arrows


  • Carbon shaft, stainless steel tip
  • hybrid Carbon/Aluminum shaft and aluminum nock with heavy version

Compatible With

  • All AR-Series crossbows
  • All Speedloaders, Quivers
  • M10 Magazines

Steambow Archery AR-Series Carbon Broadhead Arrows - 3 Pack
